The Lost Remedies Academy: I Saved One of The Last Spots for You + 4 Free Gifts!
Who is Dr. Nicole Apelian?
Dr. Nicole Apelian is an herbalist and biologist, and she’s been studying medicinal plants and remedies for over 30 years now.
You might know her from the History channel TV show Alone, where she was the first female contestant to survive in the wild for 57 days straight. And she did all that while suffering from Progressive Multiple Sclerosis.
For years, Nicole was in excruciating pain, slowly losing control over her body. She lost her job and the ability to walk unassisted. She became almost completely dependent on others for basic needs. The prognosis Nicole received from her neurologist was a wheelchair for life in the best-case scenario.
Yet, for decades she’s been able to defy her doctor’s expectations and live her best years. Plants gave her back a life she thought was lost forever. And ever since, she’s dedicated all her time and energy to help others get back their health naturally.
Nicole has already helped hundreds of thousands of people, and her formulas and teachings are being used by many other herbalists in their treatment plans. Under her guidance you can become a natural healer and turn the medicinal plants growing in your area into life-changing remedies.
The Lost Remedies Academy
I invite you to explore the fascinating world of herbal healing with me. As we go deeper and deeper into this knowledge, you’ll be able to simply walk outside anywhere in nature and pinpoint the medicine you need just as if you were shopping at your local pharmacy.
Once upon a time, every home had a healer. You might even remember your own mother or grandmother using one of her homemade remedies to help you when you were sick.
Today, people step on the plants and “round-up” the weeds that saved our grandparents without a second thought.
What I wanted to do with this academy was to give you this lost plant knowledge that can help you and your family get back to health naturally.
And I would like to teach you all these remedies, just like your grandmother would: practically. Things that you learn by doing, you will never forget. They stay with you for a lifetime.
Here's just a glimpse of what we will be doing together inside the Lost Remedies Academy:
First, we’ll head out together into the wild to identify the medicinal plants and mushrooms that will become our main ingredients. You’ll get up close, as I’ll show you these wild dwellers from every angle, pointing out key differences that make it very easy to distinguish them from their lookalikes.
Once you finish the academy, you will be able to correctly identify the most important medicines growing in nature.
Then we’ll bring our wild bounty into the kitchen where I'll help you create dozens of different salves, poultices, tinctures, extractions, syrups, elixirs, potions and other powerful lost remedies. You’ll be able to manage your health naturally and find some good alternatives for your health.
Finally, I’ll show you what I like to call the ultimate level of herbal mastery – crafting your own unique remedies tailored to your personal needs.
You can finish The Academy in a 3-day marathon, three weeks or three months, depending on how much time you have. Or you can just scroll directly to the course with the plant or with the remedy you need right now.
The Lost Remedies Academy will be available for any member of your household.
Once you graduate, I’ve prepared for you the most beautiful Diploma that will have your name on it and that certifies your knowledge in the field of natural remedies.
The Stress Relieving “Pills”
that Grow on THIS Plant
Next time you bump into Lemon Balm, just look for these yellow buds. These are some of Nature’s most powerful stress relievers!
What I like to do is collect them each spring, put them in an empty pill bottle, and then use them whenever I feel overwhelmed. Once you try lemon balm buds, you’ll never try anything else when you need to calm down and relax.
Doxycycline of the Woods: The Antibiotic That Probably Grows in Your Own Backyard
This is a strong natural antibiotic that I recommend taking together with a store-bought probiotic or the natural probiotic we will be making together at the Academy.
The Most Powerful Painkiller That
We Lost to History
All it takes to create it is a very common backyard plant, which you’ve probably seen or stepped on many times before. The final remedy is so effective at stopping pain signals before they reach the brain, that some people are even comparing it to Morphine. But this is not an opioid and it’s completely non-addictive.
The Strange Thing That Happens
If You Put a Mullein Leaf in Your Shoes
These natural insoles are tiny detoxifiers. The soft and fuzzy leaves of mullein act as sponges, drawing out impurities and toxins from your feet. They leave you feeling refreshed, revitalized, and light. So, next time you feel your legs heavy or inflamed, just remember what you learned today. Or if you’re about to go on a long walk, just put these anti-inflammatory insoles in your shoes and you’re good to go!
Pancreas Drops and Glucose Guardian Blend
Inside The Lost Remedies Academy, you’ll also find a special course for people with Diabetes. If it’s not you, chances are you know at least one person with Type 2 Diabetes. Think about that person, whether it’s a family member or someone else you care about. They might not say it, but they do live with an incredible burden. And they would be deeply grateful for sharing or preparing these two remedies for them.
The Fever Sponge
I’m also going to show you how to make a Fever Sponge using a common backyard plant. These fever-absorbent herbal plasters can speed up your recovery and get you out of bed quicker!
The Tincture That Can Help
Every Part of Your Body at Once
It does this by strengthening your immune system. Having a strong one can help eliminate abnormal cells before they become dangerous, prevents common colds and flu, and fight infections.
What Happens If You Smoke Mullein?
It may be hard to believe, but doing this is actually a godsend for your lungs. Dried Mullein leaves burn slowly and have a relaxing, calming vapor that soothes your lungs, kills germs, helps with inflammation or irritation, dislodges mucus, and opens up the air passageways so you can breathe better and deeper.
The Fatty Liver Repair Tea
If you feel tired and sluggish after a meal or lack energy in general, it’s probably a sign that your liver is struggling. Next time you finish a heavy meal, drink tea with milk thistle, licorice, and dandelion root.
Homemade Anti-Fungal Salve
You’ll also discover how to make your own Anti-Fungal Salve that’s capable of reaching down into the deepest layer of skin, where stubborn fungal infections usually burrow. Recurrent fungal infections are some of the most frustrating to deal with and the longer they stay inside you, the harder they become to get rid of.
How to Make Your Own Lubricating Joint Juice
I will also teach you my own original recipe for a delicious juice blend that sustains healthy joints so you can maintain full mobility as you grow older. Without movement, our bodies begin to deteriorate quickly. So, drink the Lubricating Joint Juice 10 minutes before you walk out of your house!
If You Have a Pet,
Get Rid of These Plants Immediately!
In the plant-identification part of the course, you’ll also discover the 3 common garden plants that can be lethal to dogs and cats if ingested. Avoid a trip to the vet, or even worse, and get rid of these backyard plants immediately!
Herbal Migraine Killer
If you have a headache, just break off about an inch of a freshly grown willow tip like this one and simply chew it.
It tastes like aspirin because it contains salicin, a substance similar to the one found in aspirin.
The Hair Growth Serum
If you’ve ever seen your hair clog the shower or bathtub drain, or you’re collecting clumps of it from your hairbrush, then you really need to try this. I’ve been there for years myself. My hair got so thin, you could see my scalp at one point. But now it’s thicker, fuller, and healthier than ever. I just want you to try the serum that saved my hair and hopefully can do the same for you as well.
Better Than Sleeping Pills
I’ll also show you the plant you should stuff your pillow with to fall asleep faster and sleep longer, deeper, and wake up more refreshed.
An Anti-Inflammatory Root Tea
You may not know this, but inflammation is the body’s defense mechanism. It helps fight infections and initiates the healing process after an injury. But sometimes, inflammation lasts longer than it needs to, or it appears when there is no need for it. It’s this kind of persistent low-grade inflammation that can become the starting point of very serious conditions.
Herbal Thyroid Optimizer
One of the 4 ingredients we will use is bladderwrack, a plant known to support the thyroid and produce the hormones T3 and T4. These are also called fat-burning hormones.
This is why if you have a slow Thyroid, you’ll find it hard to lose weight while people with an active Thyroid can eat anything, they want pizza, pasta, burgers and cheesecake without putting on weight.
What Happens If You Burn Bay Leaves?
Bay leaves contain a substance called Linalool which is so powerful that it can help calm your body and mind. Just light a couple of dried bay leaves in a jar next time you feel stressed out and let the relaxing Linalool smoke fill the room. Sit back and enjoy!
The Herb You Can Add to Your Coffee or Tea, to Empty Your Bowels Effortlessly Each Morning
You can add between 3 to 5 leaves to the coffee filter or put them in the tea boiling pot. This is an easy morning routine that will make you start your days light as a feather.
The Plant That Can Save Your Life in a Crisis
You will also learn how to make an emergency first-aid poultice from a plant you can find just about anywhere. This band-aid can literally save your life in a crisis just like it did for me on Alone!
Mushroom Drops for Autoimmune Diseases
These are some of the things I take daily to manage my MS! This recipe has helped me go from being wheelchair-bound, to leading an active and fulfilling life. Start with 2-3 drops a day.
Are You Making This
Common Plant Identification Mistake?
You’ll also discover how to distinguish beneficial medicinal plants from their most common lookalikes.
In this picture, can you tell which one is Elder and which is Water Hemlock?
If you know this, you’ll never mistake one for the other. All you have to do is to look at the underside of their leaves. While the Elder’s has a soft flat surface, Water Hemlock’s has leaf veins that are very pronounced.
In the Lost Remedies Academy, you will discover a lot of tips just like this one that will make the foraging experience reliable and without any trace of doubt.
The Amish Pain Elixir
As you may know, this remote community prefers natural remedies, and you’ll probably have a hard time finding an Amish addicted to synthetic painkillers. Besides that, one of the biggest reasons opioids never gained a foothold here is this elixir which helps the Amish manage even the most severe pain.
Hot Pepper Salve for Arthritis and Backpain
Let’s say you wake up with back pain unable to stand up straight. Get your Hot Pepper Salve and rub it on the lower back. This will direct blood flow to that area lubricating the disks and joints. Capsaicin, the active compound in the salve has anesthetic and painkilling properties. You can also use Hot Pepper Salve for Arthritis, rheumatic joints, hands, knees, ankles, neck, or wherever else you need to relieve temporary or chronic pain.
Eat This to Fertilize Your Gut
I’m also going to reveal the plant you should eat to fertilize your gut. This plant contains a rare prebiotic fiber that helps the good bacteria in your gut to flourish, creating a healthy bowel movement. That means you are more protected against leaky gut; you’ll eliminate intestinal parasites faster and it’s easier to prevent the growth of bowel and colon polyps.
Receding Gums Mouth Wash
I’ll also show you the herbal mouthwash you should probably try if your gums are receding!
This contains a rare mix of compounds that help “pull” harmful bacteria and toxins as well as clean your teeth and strengthen your gums. Once before breakfast and once before bedtime, swish around a mouthful of this for about 1 minute!
The Legal “Narcotic” You Can Find in Your Backyard
You will also learn about the plant that is illegal to grow, BUT perfectly fine to forage. Mugwort grows almost everywhere, and you may even find it in your backyard. You can just dry some leaves and smoke them whenever you’re in pain. But what I like to make is the recipe you’ll discover in the third part of our Academy. I think you’re going to LOVE it!
Medicinal Juice for Blood Pressure
Known as The Silent Killer, hypertension shows no symptoms while putting you at an increased risk for heart disease and stroke. A stroke can leave you paralyzed for life, so if you have high blood pressure, it’s better to do something about it now.
3 Powerful Remedies to Always Have in Your House
You’ll also discover the 3 powerful remedies that you should always have on hand! Whether it’s for an emergency, managing pain or inflammation, or even eliminating a bacterial infection, this potent trio will take care of most common ailments.
Herbal Prostate Rejuvenator
You’ll know you need this remedy once you begin waking up a few times each night to go to the bathroom. That is just the beginning. If you don’t do something about it, prostate problems can lead to prostate removal surgery.
If You Have This Tree in Your Backyard,
Don't Cut It Down!
The Tree of Heaven has become widespread all-over North America, and it’s not uncommon for city officials to conduct eradication campaigns and counsel people to cut them down. But that’s a big mistake as every single part of this tree can be made into powerful medicine.
Cleanse Your Bowels with These 2 Herbs
You will also discover the 2 herbs that when combined can unblock your bowels instantly. It works like Drano for clogged sinks. This cleanse helps you remove clingy toxins and heavy metals that might have been stuck inside your colon for a long time. Unless you flush them out, they can lead to the formation of polyps which can be extremely dangerous and can turn malignant. Mash these two plants in a mortar and stir the paste in a big glass of water. Drink this once a month to avoid unnecessary risks.
Grandma’s Antibiotic in a Jar
I’ll also show you how to make “Grandma’s Antibiotic in a Jar” using a strange flower you’ve probably seen before in the woods. Folks used to go forage this plant every spring, they would dry it and then they would extract its medicinal compounds in a jar just like this one. It got its name because of the cheesecloth-covered lid, that resembled the lace bonnet many grandmothers used to wear at the turn of the last century.
Put This Herbal Powder in Your Socks
to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus Quickly
We will make it by combining 3 fungal-killing plants and a refreshing moisture-absorbent dust. Then you just place it in your socks and watch what happens over the next few days.
Nature’s 'Ibuprofen'
You’ll also discover how to extract the anti-inflammatory compounds of a very common plant. All you need to do is pull out the roots, wash them thoroughly, slice them, add two cups of water, and simmer them for about five hours. The second step is to get a mason jar and soak the roots in alcohol or glycerin. This is how you extract the painkilling compounds. Mix the two solutions together and take between 5 to 15 drops whenever you’re in pain or if you have chronic inflammation in the body.
'Redbull' of the Woods
I’ll also show you how to make a natural energy drink, from a plant I like to call “Redbull of The Woods”. Whenever I have an important event coming up, or if I’ve been burning the candle at both ends for too long, I take out my bottle. I have a few sips and I’ll feel energized and completely refreshed shortly after!
The Forgotten Fertility Plant
I’ll also tell you all about the plant that helped me become a mother when I thought all hope was lost. The second your child grabs your finger, or the first time they laugh, your whole life changes for the better. No words can describe it.
Similar to 'Neosporin': How to Make Your
Own Germ-Fighting Salve
Topical antibiotics contain many chemicals that can irritate and dry your skin. If you’re the kind of person that prefers a more natural approach, you should know that this antibiotic salve we’ll make together is gentle on the skin.
Nature's Anesthetic
In the pain-relief section of the course, you will discover the precious secret hidden inside Cattails. Next time you pass by a patch of cattails, here’s what you should do. Cut the stalk at the base and collect this gel in a jar. This gel is probably the most powerful natural anesthetic you can find. Just rub it around your gums and watch how quickly it numbs the entire area, just like the shot you get at the dentist.
4 Life-Changing Gifts for the First 250 Members
The first gift you’ll receive is The Lost Remedies Academy Guide where you’ll be able to find, everything you’ll learn about in the Academy. This is hundreds of pages long and it’s organized to follow the videos, with clear pictures, diagrams, and instructions for identifying plants and making the most powerful remedies at home. In case you want to look at a recipe or a plant detail one more time, you won’t have to watch the course again, you can simply follow it from The Lost Remedies Academy Guide.
Inside the Complete Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plans book, you will discover 75 anti-inflammatory recipes, that will help you fight chronic inflammation, along with the Anti-Inflammatory Remedies you’ll learn in our Academy. Certain foods, like this common vegetable, can trigger a cascading inflammatory response, and you need to take them out of your diet immediately. Other foods, which you’ll also find in this guide, help your body have a healthy inflammatory response.
The third gift is called Wild Edibles, and it usually sells for $29. Most medicinal plants we’ll forage for The Lost Remedies Academy are also edible and can be turned into nutritious meals. Take cattails for example which we’ll harvest anesthetic gel and other remedies from. Every part of cattails can be eaten. The young flowers can be boiled, covered in butter, and eaten like corn on the cob. In mid-summer, the yellow pollen from the male flowers can be added to pancakes or used to make a delicious gluten-free bread. Imagine being able to see every part of Nature not only as your pharmacy, but also your supermarket where you can shop for free.
The Herbal Weight Loss Protocol is an exclusive step-by-step guide for getting and staying in the best shape using plant remedies. In this protocol you will discover among many other things, what homemade probiotics help the most, how to take advantage of “Nature’s Ozempic” or the simple kitchen remedy that speeds up your metabolism. You’ll also find out which fat-burning plants can flush fat and how cleansing your colon of toxins does more for your waistline than even the strictest diet.
Once you secure your spot inside The Lost Remedies Academy, you’ll also receive these 4 exclusive gifts worth $29 each ($116 in total), completely FREE.
The Lost Remedies Academy is NOT a subscription. You pay once and you and your family will have access to it for life, from your mobile phone, your tablet, your laptop or TV. And you can access it from anywhere in the world.
UPDATE: For a limited time, a limited number of people can take advantage of an additional early-bird discount, and get everything for just $39.
Click on the button below to claim this discount before it’s gone.
I invite you to go through the Academy risk free. Learn how to identify the medicinal plants in the field together with me. Follow me along as we will make the most powerful remedies lost to history. And then put them to good use for you and your family. If for any reason during the next 60 days you want your money back, even if you absolutely love the academy, I’ll swiftly refund your entire purchase.
No questions asked.
It’s really that simple, and you won’t even have to return anything. You can keep the bonuses, as a thank you, just for giving the Academy a try.
What You Can Expect As A Plant Apprentice Of
The Lost Remedy Academy
The Lost Remedies Academy is the only COMPLETE plants and remedies master course out there. It lays the strongest foundation for someone new to medicinal plants and gently guides you deeper and deeper into the fine details that even some of the most advanced herbalists don’t know.
These details make all the difference between a powerful remedy that provides relief and one that only alleviates some of the symptoms.
A health alternative for the day pharmacies run dry
As a member of The Lost Remedies Academy, you’re going to become more self-sufficient and better prepared for any crisis that empties our pharmacies. With the level of addiction and drug abuse nowadays, pharmacies have become the number 1 target in any unrest. Those who don’t know how to make their own remedies, will be left at the mercy of their health problems during periods of social turmoil.
You'll never regret learning a new skill!
What you know, nobody can take away. You could lose all your savings, your job, even the house you live in, but as long as you have your skills and your health, you can always get everything back. You will never regret learning a skill that will improve your health and help protect it for decades to come.
Cut Down Medical Costs
You’ll also save some of the money you spend on medicines today, as you replace them with the natural remedies you need. As you know, medicines are only getting more expensive as time goes by. Medicinal plants are free to grab in nature or buying them costs next to nothing, compared to drugs at the Pharmacy.
Supercharge Your Inner Healing
Our bodies are very well-equipped to heal themselves. But if you take pills too often, your inner healing mechanism can get disrupted. With natural remedies you’ll probably experience less side-effects like tiredness, mental fog, digestive issues, sleep disturbances, weight gain and others more serious when you follow a natural plan.
Save The Lost Remedies of Our Grandparents
By joining the Lost Remedies Academy today, you’ll help save the remedies of your grandparents and great grandparents. If we don’t do something about this now, they’ll soon be lost forever. There’s a good chance you’ll find in the Academy one of the remedies your grandmother used to help you when you were young.
This Moment Can Influence Your Health and Wellbeing for Decades to Come
You can get access to The Lost Remedies Academy in just one minute. And you can start it right now if you want, or just skim through it and then start it whenever you are ready. You can even follow it with your family. It’s so interactive and fun, you’re going to love it.
Some people pay a fortune to get their health back, and sometimes no money in the world can help them recover. I know I would have given anything I had to be normal when my MS flares would kept me crying through the night. For me plants and mushrooms did what no pill could. For just $99 dollars (UPDATE: just $39) you can have me as your personal plant teacher, showing you how to prepare your own natural medicine for whatever ails you now or may do so in the future.
I really hope you will take advantage of The Lost Remedies Academy, but even if you decide otherwise, I want to thank you for reading this message and watching the special video I made for you.
Many blessings and good health,
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